For all her artworks, Odessa first tries to study her object for a better understanding by using pictures or – given the chance – observing animals in the wild. This approach reflects on her animal and nature paintings which are very realistic, detailed and vivid.
This realism can be seen in all her subjects, no matter whether it is painting or fish-rubbing. Her entire creativity is directed at depicting wildlife in a most natural manner, inspired by nature itself. Some of her inspiration she can find directly in her backyard which she turned into a mini nature reserve providing shelter to many local species of butterflies.
Being an avid photographer helps Odessa in the process of studying the subjects of her paintings and rubbings before moving to the second step of creating an artwork with the means of a brush. The majority of her artworks are acrylic paintings inspired by the realistic tradition of the Southwestern USA. – often focusing on beautiful butterflies which she loves.
Her inquisitive and curious personality also explains why Odessa does not limit her artistic expression to only one art form but has her experiment with different techniques, be it oil and acrylic painting, pencil drawing or charcoal.
We got to know Odessa Kelley when we heard about Gyotaku for the first time and then saw one of her YouTube videos where she was working on an Octopus Rubbing. This art style fascinated us which is why we wanted to share it with our friends.