Following a childhood and youth with a lot of painting – Cyril then abandoned the brush with the computer mouse and focused several years on web- and visual design working for several French communication agencies. Now his early interest of painting has revived and Cyril is sharing some of his unique Sumi paintings with us.
The fact that Cyril has a French father and Japanese mother reflects in his paintings which combine the traditions of East-Asian sumi techniques with influences of French comic book (bande dessinée) drawings. In a way, the attitude and character reflected by some of Cyril’s drawings reminded us a bit of Zhu Da’s style and for his paintings he gives a lot of freedom to the ink to flow freely resulting in wonderful effects.
Cyril attended the the prestigious Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Arts Appliqués (Duperré). He is very versatile when it comes to design and also developed a cute product line of home decor items called Zanies together with friends which draws inspiration from the simplicity of Sumi-e.