Carmen Moreno / Studio creArte, Granada

Carmen is another example of the soothing effect art and painting has on the human soul.
Based in the beautiful and inspirational Spanish town of Grenada Carmen is a multi-talent, not only specialized in Oriental Arts such as Sumi or Calligraphy which she teaches to her students, but also a certified Art Therapist, Reiki Master and Bio-Dance Instructor.
Her holistic skill-set allows her to help her students getting in touch with their inner self and freeing hidden energy through artistic expression.
Carmen’s stunning Shodo calligraphy won her the first price of the Nihon Shuji Foundation in Kyoto, Japan’s largest calligraphy organization.
Carmen’s studio – “CreArte” in the Southern Spanish city of Granada – famous for its stunning architecture and cultural moor heritage – offers classes which help her students finding themselves through a way of self-observation through art-therapy and bio-dance. As Carmen puts it, CreArte uses techniques which allow focus on our emotions and feelings through a process of creativity.
For Carmen, art is a way of seeing and interacting with the world.
She considers her art as a way of connecting with her inner self and releasing hidden potential in herself and her student.
We are happy to showcase some of her works here.